利用BBS账户登录之后,点击Register new client,填写各项信息。
- client_id: 应用标识
- client_secret: 用于验证应用(RFC6749 $2.3.1)
- redirect uri: OAuth的重定向路径(RFC6749 $3.1.2)
- name: 应用名字
- description: 应用说明
- logo: 图标
- website: 网站
- type: 能保证应用自身安全性的选confidential,一般选public(RFC6749 $2.1)
- response type: (RFC6749 $3.1.1)
- 希望用authentication code模式的选code(RFC6749 $4.1)
- 希望用直接跳转给token模式的选token(RFC6749 $4.2)
- grant type:
- 希望用authentication code模式的选authentication code(RFC6749 $4.1)
- 希望用密码登录的选password(RFC6749 $4.3, 目前禁止)
- 希望直接靠应用确认身份的选client credentials(RFC6749 $4.4, 目前禁止)
- 希望获取和使用refresh token的选refresh token(RFC6749 $6)
- GET /auth/auth
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Choices |
redirect_uri | string | Redirection URI | No | displaycode |
response_type | string | Preferred response type | No | code/token |
client_id | string | Client ID of the client application | No | |
state | string | Client state string | Yes |
- 如果选token模式,会直接在登录成功之后重定向到$redirect_uri?access_token=<string: token>&token_type=<string: token type>&expires_in=<int: time before token expires>[&state=<string: client state>]
- 如果选code模式,会跳转到$redirect_uri?code=<string: authorization code>[&state=<string: client state>],需要再进行下一步获取token。
- state 用于传递客户端信息。服务器会把客户端传过来的 state 原样加到重定向的参数里去。
- GET/POST /auth/token
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Choices |
redirect_uri | string | Redirection URI, should match with previous requests | No | |
grant_type | string | Type of object to exchange token with | No | authorization_code/refresh_token |
code | string | Authorization code, required for grant_type = authorization_code | Yes | |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token, required for grant_type = refresh_token | Yes | |
client_id | string | Client ID of the client application | No | |
client_secret | string | Client secret of the client application | No |
- Return value
- Success: {"access_token": <string: Token>, "token_type": <string: Token type>, ["refresh_token": <string: Refresh Token>,] "expires_in": <int: Seconds before expire> }
- Failure: various HTTP error code
- refresh_token may be used to exchange for a new access_token and a new refresh_token, it will be disabled after the exchange
- refresh_token可换取新access_token和refresh_token,换取后原refresh_token失效