Various portability issues, mainly between linux/freebsd
- prctl() / prctl.h
No prctl() in freebsd.
- To set process title, use setproctitle()
- For PR_SET_PTRACER, I'm not sure now.
- malloc.h
Including malloc.h in freebsd leads to compile error. Use stdlib.h instead.
Anyway, in linux's malloc(3) manpage, it is said that you should include stdlib.h.
- libdl
In linux, dlopen()/dlclose()/dlsym() are in libdl. In freebsd, they are in libc. So there is no point to link with libdl, and there is no libdl, anyway.
- program_invocation_short_name
No such thing in bsd. Maybe you should use argv[0].
- Include path / Lib path
freebsd installs all non-base softwares into /usr/local. So, the third party include files are in /usr/local/include, and third party lib files are in /usr/local/lib, and they are not in the default include/lib path, so you should include them with -I & -L.