

GET /auth/auth
Parameter Type Description Optional Choices
redirect_uri string Redirection URI No displaycode
response_type string Preferred response type No code/token
client_id string Client ID of the client application No


GET/POST /auth/token
Parameter Type Description Optional Choices
redirect_uri string Redirection URI, should match with previous requests No
grant_type string Type of object to exchange token with No authorization_code/refresh_token
code string Authorization code, required for grant_type = authorization_code Yes
refresh_token string Refresh token, required for grant_type = refresh_token Yes
client_id string Client ID of the client application No
client_secret string Client secret of the client application No
  • Return value
    • Success: {"access_token": <string: Token>, "token_type": <string: Token type>, ["refresh_token": <string: Refresh Token>,] "expires_in": <int: Seconds before expire> }
    • Failure: various HTTP error code